Chiranjeevi, the celebrated Telugu superstar's venture into the political arena is nothing less than yet another high intensity popular reality show springing up surprises now and then. The actor who believes in the dictum that 'show is the supreme master' has always been in the limelight either for his movies or recently for his newly formed political party. Starting with inaugurating his party office for his 'pro-poor party' close to midnight on August 17th in the company of his dear and near, Chiranjeevi clearly laid the bedrock for yet another innings.
If that was not enough the actor has decided to officially launch his political party in Tirupati, right in the abode of God. Knowing clearly the bumpy ride in politics, the actor has decided to get Lord Almighty as his confidante. It is estimated that as many as over eight lakh people are to rush to Tirupati to catch a glimpse of their favourite matinee idol launch his party in the Avilala Cheruvu ground. As far as the proceedings are concerned, the actor would also showcase his party flag and announce the party name and the future plans and motives. Accompanied by his wife and son, the actor is to be the sole speaker in the meeting.
Lavish arrangements have been made for the function – a massive set, a stupendously large digital screen, cut outs of the actor himself alongwith those of Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, B R Ambedkar and others and two helicopters to stage an aerial flower show and to record the proceedings. The actor has made arrangements for his huge fan following and for their safety by making arrangements for conveyance including the state sponsored 18 special trains apart from the Road Transport Corporation's 1500 buses and the numerous private vehicles to cater to the demands of the enthusiastic fans. The temple town is immensely decked up and all set for this mega drama in the name of politics.
The actor who recently turned 53 has bid farewell to his film career to enter politics to serve the poor and needy and thus engross himself in charity work. That the actor has chosen august 26th, the birthday of mother Teresa to launch his party is even more interesting. Wishing him all the best, everything rests in the hands of the Lord and Lady Luck to make or mar his political career.
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5 years ago
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