The NBCF continues its innovative program of breast cancer research through a new Pilot Study Grant scheme.
Increasingly, research applicants need to include pilot data if they are to have any chance of success. The costs of conducting pilot studies are often not trivial, and to date, there have been limited avenues for obtaining funding for these studies. In an effort to increase the likelihood of studies relating to breast cancer being funded, the NBCF is offering funding to conduct pilot studies for larger research projects. These awards will provide investigators with funds to obtain preliminary data regarding methodology, effect sizes and possible findings relating to new research ideas relevant to breast cancer. It is anticipated that research completed through a NBCF Pilot Study Grant will provide sufficient preliminary data to enable the investigator to prepare a hypothesis-based proposal for future research funding. It is not expected that researchers applying for this award will present preliminary data with their application.
From 2006 the NBCF has directed its funding support towards research projects that are in line with the priorities and direction of the National Action Plan for Breast Cancer Research and Funding (2004).
Applications are invited from the entire continuum of breast cancer research, from basic science to prevention, treatment and care, insofar as the proposed idea has the potential to help prevent breast cancer, improve survival and/or enhance quality of life. The NBCF also has an interest in fostering research in lymphoedema and complementary and alternative medicine.
->Funding for Pilot Study Grants can be requested for a maximum of $200,000 for up to 2 years.
->Depending on the number and quality of the applications, it is anticipated that up to 5 proposals will be supported.
->The NBCF Research Advisory Committee (RAC) sub-committee process, coordinated by the NBCF, will assess applications. The RAC consists of respected researchers from across the spectrum of breast cancer as well as at least one consumer representative. The RAC makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees for approval. All applications are treated as confidential.
->The NBCF relies on public donations for its funds and this governs the level of funding available for new research projects each year.
Pilot Study Grant applications are advertised in the Weekend Australian in the Early General News Section in April, and research offices in relevant higher education institutions are notified.
Interested people can download the Guidelines for Applicants and Application Forms for Pilot Study Grants from the How to Apply page. Completed applications are to be submitted to the NBCF by 5pm on Friday 23rd May 2008. Applicants will be advised of their success in Septembert. The funding year commences in October.
Applicants must be Australian citizens, or be graduates from overseas with permanent Australian resident status, must reside in Australia throughout the funding period and not under bond to any foreign government. Evidence of permanent resident status shall be provided.
Researchers are not eligible to apply if they receive tobacco sponsorship or are from institutions that allow sponsorship from the tobacco industry. This scheme is currently approved for DEST funding.
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